The reports being signed correct by the trustees
were accepted and ordered spread on the minutes.
[Margin note: Motion to Suspend Hirsch]
A Dennery moved and seconded by Chas. Barnes
that Mr. Hirsch be suspended. Lost.
On motion the Secretary was instructed to
make arrangements with Mr. Hirsch regarding his dues.
[Margin note: Further time]
On motion, William Price, Coney and Geo. Wolf
have the time extended to September 1st, 1877 to settle.
[margin Note: Alexander elected]
S. Alexander was elected to become a member
of the congregation.
Marin Note: Resignation Litzberg]
J. Litzberg tendered his resignation as a
member of the congregation. Resignation accepted.
On motion, the price for seats to be the same
as last year for strangers Viz: $5.00 & $2.50.
[Margin Note: Assistant Reader]
It was moved and seconded the president be
authorized to engage an assistant reader for the
holidays. Motion carried.
No further business appearing, the meeting
adjourned pursuant to the call of the President.
L. Phillips, Secretary
At a meeting held by H. B. S. April 20, 1878
officers and members of Cong. B'nai Israel being present,
thanks were tendered by president & officers of
congregation to H. B. S. for donation by
said society to congregation in the sum
of two hundred dollars for purpose
of repairing and refixing water power and
otherwise beautifying the cemetery.
Secty was instructed to place same
in minutes by order of President.
L. Phillips, Secretary
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