The weyghtes the wythe ar moste in vse at thys day do ffollowe. wrytte
The: v: day of Avgust an o no: 1564: et an o vi [to] Elizabethe: R
A pownd is wrytte[fs]. or this. li. d. or li s.
An vnce ys wrytte this: ℥.j. or ℥j. etcer. Halfe an vnce is wrytte thys. li. ss or this li .d. or li s.
A drame is writte this ʒ.j. ʒ.ij. etcer. halfe a drame ys writte this ʒ.ss. or this ʒ.d. or this ʒ.s.
A drame & a halfe ys wrytte thys. [Byager] or this [avreos] or this. [amer]
[...] scrypul is writte this ℈.j. ℈.ij. etcer. halfe a scrypul ys writte this. ℈.ss. or this .℈.d. or ℈.d. or this ℈. s
[...]andfull is written this ♏︎.j. ♏︎.ij etcer. halfe a handfull is writte this ♏︎.ss. or this .♏︎.d. or this ♏︎.s.
[...] lytell handful is writte this: pv. or pugillns. A great handfull ys writte this [♏︎anipilns]
A quart of a pownd is writte this: qrt . or: q. halfe a quart n ys writte this. quter. ss. or this.q.d. or s
A Corne weyght or a graye ys wrytten thys: grana: or this: gra: or this: gr: or this: g. or. [.].
and whe e [invste] take of euery one lyche myche or of euery one a lyke .[.nnatite] is writte thys: an: or ana
and thys figure flollowinge dothe signyfy gynger. ℥℥: or thys ℥℥a: or eles thys ℥℥cis:i: gynger
The leste of all weyghte commenly vsid a monge physycyons ys a barly corne weyght: and xx:good cornes
do make a: ℈: and : iij ℈ do make a ʒ. and viij. ʒ. make an : ℥. and iij. ℥: a qrt . and xij. ℥. make a: li
where so ev e see this carecte. stand in the m gent of this my boke a gaynfte any medy ce, oyle, oyntme t, salne, plast, trete, powd sirvpe, [Blectnaer], vngunt, water, or any other thinge [.oteynyd]
w th in this boke that haue I heury dineley pronyd w th owte dowte, & nno other haue I my selfe p nyd
Notes and Questions
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Symbol for half in apothecaries weights often looks like a combined fs. From https://www.apothecariesweights.com/: The Symbol for “half ” also has problems and appears variously as “ss”, “fs” or in script writing “fs“The Symbol for “half ” also has problems and appears variously as “ss”, “fs” or in script writing “fs“.
Need to identify a symbol to use in the transcription, for now I'm using fs.