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8 West 56th Street
New York, Nov. 29/90.

Hon. Leland Stanford:

My Dear Sir -

In accordance with your suggestion, I telegraphed to Mr.Lathrop that Sunol could remain in Charles Marvin's care for the winter. A day or two before your telegram was received my brother David said to me, "Don't you think it is dangerous to have Sunol cross the mountains at this season of the year, especially as she has been clipped?" I was debating

that she could have trotted very close to Maud S's record if - after she trotted a half mile in 1:02 1/2 at Detroio - she had been kept at one track and given a sufficient number of slow miles to "stay her up." Still we must not overlook the fact that, in these days when we have so many fast trotters, she had trotted not only the fastest mile of the year but the fastest mile that has been made during the past five years.

When you arrived here from Europe I was about to call upon you when I was informed that you had left for California.

I do not take much interest in politics, but I was very much pleased when I learned that the Californians had elected a Legislature favorable to your return to the Senate.

Very Truly Yours
Robert Bonner

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