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also send you grace to bear
it patiently. and according
to His Holy Will.

You must pardon me thus
intruding myself upon you
in your sorrow, but you
once aided some friends
of mine in Washington
& for that act I shall always
feel indebted to you, & the
late Senator.

Our Rev Mother Superior
wrote some time ago
asking you to aid us in
the work for the poor
colored, but would not
have done so, had she
known of the illness in
your household.

We are trying to bring those poor people to
know - something of God,
morality, and honesty, but
the task is somewhat
difficult, owing to the
opposition we meet with
from the people in the

We will remember you in
our prayers

Asking pardon for this

I remain
dear Mrs Stanford

Yours sincerely in Christ

Sister Mary Zeno O. S. F.

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