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and there are more foreigners there than natives, but the people are all so friendly and the town is so beautiful it doesn't really matter. We did some shopping and then to a funicular up to a fortress in the middle of town, wandered around, looked at the beautiful view, and then walked down the mountain and back to the hostel.

DAY 27: (July 8-Tuesday) Our second day in Salzburg. Spent the morning out at Helbraun an old Austrian type mansion on the outskirts of town that used to be owned by an archbishop with a great sense of humor. He had all kinds of hidden and trick fountains everywhere to surprise his guests. There's a table out in the garden with stools around it and, at will, water can be turnedon which spouts out of all the chairs (except the Archbishop's of course) the table and much of the surrounding [cement?]. Other favorite tricks include high arches of water over pathways, doorways with water coming up through the floor, and suddenly spitting statues and animal heads. You can't get out of that tour dry, but we were there on a warm morning so we were fine and had much fun. Regular picnic lunch, and then out on our concession to tourism - The Sound of Music Tour.The guide was really nice, and we'd seen several places before but I hadn't connected them with the movie (Julie has never seen it and vows she never will). when I first saw them. We couldn't see very much of some things, or there wasn't much to see, but a few interesting things did happen, like finding out that the mansion they lived in in the movie is now owned by Harvard (yes, the one in Boston) and used as a study center -- sounds familiar doesn't it? We also got to go out and see some gorgeous countryside we wouldn't have been able to see otherwise, plus some of the strayest wilds I've ever seen (not usual here either) and then pouring rain (so what else is new?)

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