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The next morning we took off about 8 AM on our bikes, rode along the Tauber
to Creglingen. This was a particularly beautiful stretch with the river
in the base of a valley, cultivated hills arising on both sides, little
villages every couple of miles. We stopped about 9:30 on the bank to eat
breakfast (sandwich, two eggs, slice of meat, piece of raisin cake given
us by Frau Krauter, orange and water). Watched a flock of ducks swim by
(the river was about 20-30 feet wide) moved very smoothly and slowly.
About this time the sun broke through the morning fog and it was quite
peaceful and lovely. On the hills behind us farmers followed their horses
or walked about spreading fertilizer- farming much as they had for
centuries before.

In Creglingen, we caught a train for Wurzburg- a little old one with
ancient cars with wood seats. Almost empty of people so that the
conductor had time to drop by and chat with us, find out were we were from etc.
He said we were the first bike travelers of the season and most people
say it is too early in the year but so far our luck has been pretty good.
Almost all sunny weather- only cold since Hanover.

We had only a couple of hours to ride around Wurzburg- too bad because it
is a very interesting old city- University and former Bishop's seat. We
spent most of our time to Marienburg Castle on a high bluff with a fine
view of the town and its many church steeples. Then on the train again- on
to Hanover for the night in a youth hostel.

Up yesterday morning and right off to the railroad station to go to Hamburg.
We are trying mostly in these few days to cover mileage in moving northward so
sight seeing took a second seat in the large cities especially. In Hamburg
I had time to wander around for the afternoon but chose instead to write a
letter, take a shower, was a few clothes etc. - sort of a day off from traveling.
The hostel there is very large (400 beds) and new. On a hill above
the harbor. This is a fine location for the Hamburg harbor is huge- much
larger than any other I have ever seen and bustles with activity day and
night. The great dock cranes are as thick as TV antennas on Los Angeles
rooftops and there are ships of all sizes loading, unloading or moving on.
The city iteself is sort of sooty, industrial, with a smoke haze even under
blue skies. This seems to be true of most north German cities (Hanover,
Bremen, Oldenberg). In sharp contrast to Stuttgart or Munchen in the south.

Well we are rising early in the morning for a long day of biking - hope to
make over 100 kilometers which is far more than we have done on any previous
day. The time we save now will come in very handy going up the Rhine or
wandering in Holland so it is worth the effort.

March 21st

Well here I am in our second night in the Hague and I will try and fill you
in somewhat on the last few days. We did manage to compare the 104
meters from Oldenberg to Winschoten and without being completely worn out.
We left Oldenberg about 9 AM, arrived at the border between Germany and
Holland at 4:30 and in Winschoten about 6 and we took about 10 minutes of
each hour to rest and an hour for a hot lunch so we didn't really press
too hard. The country was very flat yet we saw many thick pine forests- at
almost sea level, this is quite unexpected- between the green farmlands.
As we moved westward past Leer and into Holland, the forests gradually
disappeared and canals became increasing- some little more than irrigation
ditches through the fields every 15 or 20 yards- others large enough by

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