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Status: Complete

Hi Sweetheart

Guess What? As predicted I got two! letters for you in
the mail today and as a bonus also one from Mom. I dont think I
told you but I've asked how to photostat my letters to them to send to most
of the special on my mailing list so I dont have to write hasty less complete
letters to each one and so I have more time to write to you my darling.
I was thrilled to hear of your conversation with Mrs/ V because in many
ways it was for better than expected with tips and babysitting you
would do pretty well wouldnt you? As much as I would love to be with
you every day at Fallen Leaf for another summer we both know that money
has to be a prime concern especially for you. And of course my situation
is still (and will probably remain so until May knowing my father) very
ambiguous since I dont know whether anything will [show?] up in
Fresno and also I wont know my scholarship situation until mid-summer.
So I too would have to pay some attention to the pocketbook. What I
would dislike most I think (from a selfish viewpoint I guess) is for
one of us to be at Fallen Leaf and the others at home. I could stand it
to see you on weekends (or even alternate weekends) between Fresno
and Bakersfield if doing so meant the money necessary for school;
but either of us who spent the summer alone at Fallen Leaf (especially
you with the pensions at the Camp) would find it pretty tough and
both Fallen Leaf and home jobs and then choose the combination thats
best financially and other wise. I would hate to back out on Mrs
Craven at the last minute but for a difference of say $500. I would
have to Im afraid. Any others decision would be too inconsiderate
of mom and dad and Tuck. And the same for you and your family
if a better paying job at home would arise. It would be beautiful

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