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week, which I've probably hited at before. But I want to write it to you now before another weekend passes. It's sort of my reactions to the Munich trip - a post-mortem psychoanalysis. I'm thinking mainly of the Saturday night we spent sitting together in the Lowenbräu Haus, when the other three felt like everyone was staring at them, and we giggled rather foolishly and self-consciously for about 2 hours. I think I sort of understand that evening now. This was our first weekend away from the Burg. We were really alone in a strange setting (for the Burg is very much a little America, a comforting half step into foreign culture), in a foreign city, knowing no one, only partially knowing the language. It is this sort of experience I think which made Susie (less so) and especially Ann and Gene self conscious and giggly. My own reaction to this was different. Rather than turning to my Americanism and thus feeling conspicuously American (as they did) I turned to my need for you darling and felt deeply lonely. I didn't really feel this on the Burg among familiar faces and customs, etc., but in the strange setting of Munich my aloneness really became obvious. I think this is one factor that Aunt Winifred and others failed to consider when they said you would feel most alone. Because at least you keep your frame of reference - you lack only me, but keep the setting. We have changed the setting too. I guess all of this sounds sort of cold and bitter and sad, but I'm trying to rationalize a very irrational feeling and experience. Actually the whole Munich weekend was sort of mellowed by my thoughts of you and my missing you. And it wasn't at all a cold or bitter feeling, but a sort of "sweet sadness" as I said before. I hope you understand all of this. I'll try to tell you how I feel this weekend in Nürnburg,

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