Untitled Page 259




Status: Complete


Hi Sweetheart,

Well one final's out of the way - no German worries now for three
weeks - just speak it when I want to. And really I was lucky to as well on
it as I did (fairly good chance of getting an A, though it will be a high curve),
because my total studing was done between 7:30 and 10 AM this morning. I
had planned to study last night, but was struck in the late afternoon by a
very sudden case of chills and fever, something I've never had before. By 7:30
it was all I could do to hold a pen and finish writing my music paper; I was
shivering all over. So I took a couple of aspirin and went to bed, shivered for
an hour or so and then broke into a sweat. It was quite a night, but the
fever broke and though I'm not completely healthy today, I feel a lot better. Several
others apparently have gotten the same thing in the last few days. I'm taking it good
and easy for the next few days, so as not to mess up our vacation plans.

Anyway I got through German OK and this afternoon we're having a review
section for our music final tomorrow, so things sort of keep moving along.

As to letters over the vacation, by the time you get this one you should be
writing to Hamburg (I hope) didn't tell you Nurnberg; we're not going there
after all.) Our whole schedule is not yet calculated but will be taking 3 or 4 days
to get to Hamburg and then will be there a day or so. The next mail stop will be
Amsterdam; you should probably write there from abou the 13th on, since we
will be leaving Hamburg on the 16th or so. I'm sorry I"m still so vague, darling - I'll
try to get it all figured out tonight. And in any case I'll see to it that you get
your letters regularly! O.K.?

As to TP/MJE the situation is very puzzling here too - she is still wearing
the pin, buthas serious doubts about whether, he loves her, and also serious
doubts about whether he's the right person for her. She's still battling it out inside,
but she's not sure any more, and the doubt is eating the love away. I can't predict
how it will come out.

Once again, darling, we can realize how lucky we are, that we are both so
sure of our love for each other. This makes life so completely different from what
it was before; now it has real meaning and purpose, for I live to make you happy, and
in your love I can find the source of energy for other things too - like teaching, - and
even for taking music finals! That proves how much your love makes possible!

I'd better close this now, to get it in the mail. I love you very much
sweetheart, and count the few remaining days until we can be together again.

Always & forever,
Your George

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