Untitled Page 267




Status: Complete


Darling -

Just a quick note before going to sleep, so you'll have something in the
mailbox again to bring cheer and love.

Nothing much special has happened since I wrote, except that when we came
out of the youth hostel this morning we found that my bike had been stolen
during the night. So we spent the morning reporting to the police and buying
a new one ($30). I felt [doubly?] bad since I borrowed the other from the Krauters,
and I hope the new one (also used, but quite similar) is a good replacement.
Anyway we then caught a 1:50 train for Bremen and there transferred to
Oldenburg. Spend about an hour wandering through downtown here (Oldenburg),
bought bred for the next few days, then stopped at a Gaststätte for a fine, quiet,
leisurely, chatty meal. Bridge has been a little more talkative today - I even
told him to give it a try - and the loneliness is a little mellowed now -
not so painful, more sentimental. I keep having little visions of life at home
and with you (more frequent than before over here), but the present situation
is not so empty as long as there is someone to talk with.

Well back to bike travel tomorrow with a bang - hope to do over 100 km.
Fortunately, the country is very flat, so barring winds or extreme cold, we
may make it. It's been a lot cooler since Hannover (this afternoon= 1 C)
and my nose may get red tomorrow! Hope it's sunny in Holland, but I've
heard we shouldn't expect it.

Well, sweetheart, I'm off to bed under four blankets - unheated youth hostel -
to snuggle up and dream of you! I love you much! sehr viel, lots & lots,
with all my heart, and another day has just gone by! G'night, sweet dreams! XO


Your George

It being now 9 pm, you are just finishing that soc. final!
Here's a special XO for that occasion!! XOXOXOXO and a few
more just for fun!

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