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less to have seen as much of Germany and Holland as we have covered. And
what we've seen, we've usually seen well, and gotten a lot out of it. Much
better I think than those kids of drove off to Spain, etc, 5 in a car, to
have a good time. We got a card from MAC and MJE in Heidelberg, and apparently
the Russian trip was somewhat depressing (a group of 14 kids went, at $300
per person, run by the Russian Intourist office of course), though they have had
some valuable experiences - a ball-bearing factory, the Moscow museum, the
Bolshoi Ballet, and I'm sure much more. So all in all I think Bridge
and I can count our trip a big success.

As I think back, we've seen some really lovely natural scenery - especially
on the Tauber, Rhein and Neckar rivers - and much more very interesting if
less spectacular countryside. We've seen big cities - I like Amsterdam,
Heidelberg, Köln the best - old cities like Rothenburg, Würzburg, parts of
Amsterdam, Worms, and many towns and villages not seen by the speeding
tourist, which are fascinating for themselves, and quite unlike anything
I've seen in America (cities are pretty similar here and in America).
We've seen many churches, of which the Köln cathedral was by far the most
special, though Worms and Mainz were also good in some ways; we've seen
seemingly endless old medieval castles, fortresses, walls, houses, etc and this
is surely the best way to gain the kind of background necessary to understand
the way people lived then. And we've also seen some really good art, in the Holland
museums - Rembrandt and Van Gogh and the more moderns were especially
interesting. We've had no concerts or night life, but concerts I can get next
quarter in Stuttgart again, and night life I'm saving to share with you,
my love - besides that gave me time to be fairly regular with the letters, and
I hope you've enjoyed them, and felt somehow a a part of the trip. Because
you were in my heart and thoughts all the way, and someday I hope we can
see some of the things again together!

As interesting as it has been, I think next quarter may be even better - what
with Paris (at Easter! with MAC and perhaps others, for 5 days!), Berlin,
Luxembourg, Vienna (probably in June just before finals, also 5 days), plus
studying (especially econ.), visiting in Beutelsbach, and whatever small trips
can be squeezed in. All this and spring weather too, with the beauty of nature
all around us! (But less rain than in the last few days I hope!). And then
the most wonderful climax will be coming home to you - I'm sure I'll be sad
to leave, and will get the customary lumps in my throat at the farewell party -
for I really do like a lot of the kids, and Dr. Boerner and the faculty even
more. But I'll be unusually lucky, because for me it won't really be a sad
time, because I can look only one day ahead to holding you in my arms
again! The time can't fly by too fast until June 11 to suit me. I dream
of it day and night, sweetheart, as I'm sure you do too. I love you very much
darling, and boy will it be good to get back to our regular conversations
again in a few days! G'night now, and sweet dreams! XXXXX!!!
Always and forever,
Your loving George

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