Untitled Page 314




Status: Incomplete

Hi Darling -

It's now 9:45 and whe I'm done writing you I've still go about 10 pages
of German to translate. The damn studying never seems to end this quarter,
no matter how hard I try. And I just realized this afternoon: one week
from tonight we leave for Berlin, and when we return it will be May 3, one
month until finals! And I won't have anywhere near a half-quarter's work done.
God but the time is flying by! At least it means June 11 comes sooner, though
it's going to be a big sweat getting through all that lies in between.

I'm sure sorry about the mailman's poor treatment on your end of the
line. I think I've written every day for some time now, and I always say so when
I've missed a day. Are some letters just not getting through, or do they
catch up in bunches eventually as yours do here? I got one today that you
sent to Hamburg on the vacation - only 5 weeks late! Hope my Paris letters
came through O.K!

Incidentally, I don't think I mentioned it, but our schedule for this quarter
was changed. Finals were moved up from June 4 - 10 to June 2 - 4. This means
basically that I'll be taking the trip to Vienna after school is out, without
the worry of finals on return, so it's a good deal. And since Mary Jeanette
meets her folk's plane in Frankfort on the 11th I may fly from there direct,
instead of flying Stuttgart - Frankfort on the 11th to connections as originally planned.
Should be a little more convenient that way. all of this doesn't affect
the big fact though - I arrive (presumably, subject to confirmation) in
S.F. at 7pm June 11!!!! Mom mentions that you will probably stay
overnight in Fresno Friday, drive up with them Saturday. That sounds
like a great idea! And then you will be with us Saturday night, probably
at the Gaws again. Whopee!! I'll bet that's a late night up!!
Golly, darling, I get excited already just thinking about seeing you again. I
probably won't sleep at all the days before I leave, if it keeps building up.

My time alone in Paris Sunday and Monday was kind of strange. It's
the first time over here that I've spent a whole day on my own completely -
I've sort of avoided it before, preferring to have company. But I saw so much more
alone, and just what I wanted to see. And I could think so much to myself
about you, and home, etc - it was sort of homesickness and wonderful warm
memories mixed together, both sad and happy. Happy in our love for each
other, which undergirds my whole life and spirit, but sad that you aren't
beside me. I guess it brought home to me how much I need you to make me
a complete person - I've been able to suppress the awareness of my need somewhat
by keeping other people around (e. g. MAC who understands quite well, since she realizes
the same need for Bob), but in those quiet days in the midst of big crowds (whose
anonymous company can be strangely comforting and friendly and also fun to just
plain observe) I could see so clearly what my heart has long said - that you
are the center and light of my life, the joy of my existence. I would have

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