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My Wonderful Darling -

Finally I got a letter today, after two long days of no mail; and I also
got a letter from Mom, filled with sports clippings and also calmer since
she called you and found out that I really wasn't being tortured by the
Communists after all. Sometimes her imagination goes just a little overboard,
especially where the welfare of her two boys is involved, and she can't be there to
help out. Say, this weekend is West Coast Relays in Fresno - which brings
back a flood of happy memories of last year. And then the next weekend was
our overnight in Marin County wasn't it? Those were two of the most specially
wonderful weekends that we have shared, as I remember them. They were so
much pure fun, plus the excitement of a new romance, which even then was
different from anything I had ever known or imagined before. And wasn't
the Relays weekend the first time you met my folks? I can't be sure because
right from the first it seemed like you were old friends, easy and natural
in each other's company. I sort of doubt if we have "in-law" troubles! Gee, I
remember that overnight weekend as if it were yesterday - the picnic in Muir
Woods (remember the picture of George + Stephie + you + me that resulted?!), the frive
along the summit of the hills, where we could see the ocean, the bay, all of S.F. - the
whole world below us and the wind strong and cool around us. And then the dinner
and the dance (which we only went to part of as I recall it! - good ol' T.V.!)
And then going to church together the next morning (I think you've long been
bothered because you happened to "take me" to such a HIGH Episcopal service!),
and then the cozy, sunny, sleepy drive back down Skyline with Bruce + Deanna.
That was a two-day snow job on both sides, nicht wahr? As if we really
needed such a snow job! I guess we both miss out on this year's round
of spring overnight. At least I have! But I hereby invite you to a
"family style overnight" at the Green's on June 12, and maybe 13 and 14 too!
O.K.?? O.K.!!

Incidentally, just to be sure I don't forget this time, I'll answer your
mail question right now. I can receive mail here until June 3. Then
you can write me in Vienna until June 9 - c/o American Express
14 Kaerntnerring
Vienna Austria
That way I'll only have to suffer one day without
mail before seeing you! Also better write me your
own travel plans for the last week so I can try to keep you similarly bolstered.

This weekend is to be another fairly ordinary one. Last quarter's faculty
is here - the Spindlers arrived last night, the Nanncys today - so there is fun
from that. And tomorrow 30 of us go to Tübingen to return a visit to a student
group there. Then Saturday night we are giving a variety show in Beutelsbach,
which will probably be very slapstick and casual. And the remaining time
for study, perhaps to write my Lit paper (only 4 pages fortunately). For now
darling I'm out of time. I love you very much - sweet dreams -
Your George

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