Untitled Page 337




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for us both. For even two people in love cannot stand against all else - rather
they can together seek to extend and exchange their love to other people and to
the world around them, and in turn I think (ol' optimistic me) they thus find the
resources they themselves need in hard moments. Obviously all the time I've
been saying "they", I mean "we", sweetheart. I guess that's sort of my philosophy
on life - even though it's not at all sophisticated. I love you and I view our
life together as sort of a process of radiating our love to other people, as "our cup
runneth over".

Just to give you an idea of how quickly our weather here can change. It's
now 3:30 pm and I'm still in Bermudas, but sitting in the library, looking out
as it rains in sheets and lightning flashes closer than I have seen it in years.
It's a real old fashioned thunderstorm (in the last minute the rain suddenly ceased
entirely - now its begun anew) and quite exciting. But it's not always that you
can watch one with a bright red sunburn acquired the same morning! The
air will smell so fresh and clean tomorrow morning - I wish you could be here to
enjoy it with me sweetheart.

Oh, in her latest letter Mom mentions sitting 6/20 as a probably starting
day for me to work. So we will have that week to spend together! At least it looks
pretty likely. how about Sunday - Tuesday in Fresno, then leave Wed. for Bakersfield,
stay through Sat? Then Sunday morning you could drive as far as Fresno with
me, go on from there by bus. How else that strike you as a way to spend the
week together, and split it between our two families? It rather appeals to me!
Maybe in the first couple of days I could take care of all errands (projector, etc.)
and then take pictures, presents, etc. with us to Bakersfield. Gad, it's fun just to
think about seeing my 'second family' again - I kind of miss them too you know.

Well darling I haven't done a thing today except write this long, enjoyable,
leisurely letter, and spend a little time entertaining Tanya, or just talking
with other kids. So now I'd better do some studying before the weekend
goes completely by. I love you very much, sweetheart. Sweet Dreams!

All my love,
Your George

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