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can't see a newspaper until 3 days later (an American paper at least).

We had a long day of driving yesterday, and were all thoroughly
tired by the time we got back here for dinner. The ride down through
central Luxembourg was beautiful - narrow, wooded river valleys, isolated
and very peaceful farms (even more pastoral than the Gilroy area which I
so love to drive through from Stanford). the city of Luxembourg is itself
beautifully situated on a high bluff, half up high, half in the gorge below.
We walked around for about an hour, saw the cathedral (nothing special)
and the Grand Ducal Palace (Victorian style). The town was jammed with
tourists and we were all happy to get out into the country again.
We drove on to Trier (Treves) in Germany, one of the oldest and
historically richest cities in Europe, founded by Augustus in 15 B.C.
and a bishop's city all during the Franconian and Holy Roman Empires of
Medieval Europe. We drove by ruins of Roman times (not as well preserved
as those in Italy) and stopped in the main square, walked to see the
cathedral (which dates in part from late Roman times, is also part Romanesque
and mostly Baroque inside). From there we began the 5 1/2 hour drive
home, with Laurie and me splitting it about 50-50. All in all
it was a very worthwhile weekend, worth being pooped at the end of it.

Well sweetheart, I have another German essay due tomorrow -
our last I hope. So I'd better start thinking about it. I love you very
much sweetheart, and I pray you're in good health + spirits. Don't feel
obliged to write long letters when the going is heavy around finals time, but
I would like to know every couple of days that you are still ok. Or if you're
sick, tell me, so I can help you get well. I love you with all my heart + soul.

Always + forever.
Your George

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