Untitled Page 354




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Oh, my darling -

I'm back on the lists of the living again, after just about withdrawing in the
last few days for lack of mail and worrying about you. Two wonderful (even
perfumed! I love you!) letter came today to pull me out of the dumps just
beautifully. I'm so glad you weren't sick or anything - don't give me anymore
scares like that one. And your letters are so filled with love, my heart is fairly bursting.
As I sit being "gassed" by the perfume (which always makes MAC roar in laughter, as she
remembers Dr. Schmidt's discovery of your "Intimate" scent!), rereading your words, the
two weeks a head change from an eternity into the briefest flash of time, until we are
together again as we should be. I hope Julie is O.K. by now - and thank George again
for me - he's terrific. I'm waiting to hear about your ushering in S.F. with him - bet it
was marvelous! And the news about your scholarships is just wonderful, and well-
deserved too. Have you got any other irons in the fire? - university scholarship, I guess?
I'm pretty sure my folks won't mind too much stopping by Palo Alto on the way to
Berkeley - they had better not!

Our picnic last night was great! Hot dogs, potato chips, American potato salad,
tossed salad, fresh carrot sticks, cake (and more cake), lemonade and beer! Gad,
what a feast, the best we've eaten in 6 months - and fun too. It rained lightly
for about 2 minutes just to make it officially a picnic, then cleared for a fine
evening. After stuffing ourselves, and then roasting a few marshmallows to make
it worse for our tummies, a few of us took a walk back up the hillside behind
campus, where I've often gone before on my own. I sat with Susie Behrman for
an hour or so, talking about you + about how she + Jimmy met - just sort of
sharing our mutual joy with the state of being in love! Her Jim (Stewart) graduated
from Stanford last year with top honors, is now doing very well at Texas Law School - he
was ICC proxy at Stanford (a Breaker) and a swell fellow. He's coming over around
the 20th of June and he + Susie + another couple whom they have known for years are
traveling together this summer - lots of fun for them all. But don't worry - I'm
more than satisfied (boy is that an understatement!) to be coming back to
California with you for the summer!

About 9pm some other kids came up to share the view with us (of the valley and
the sunset - just lovely) and to build a campfire (which began as a joke - takeoff on

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