Untitled Page 373




Status: Complete

Oh, and I have left out one of the most important things. As of this afternoon, Mary
Jeanette and I "have a family" (this is the wonderful idiom of the Burg for being
invited to visit in a home of a German family - sort of suggests being adopted, and
we hope it turns out to be much like that.) We know only that the lady's name
is Lydia, and she is about 30 years old. She was one of the women who helped prepare
and serve the feast and wine aat the grammar school. As we were about to leave
she invited us to visit here tomorrow after church. I'll tell you all about it now.

Gee, it's sure fun to write so often. And ther's always so much to say, darling.
I hope that I continue to have time to write you of all our experiences, so that
you can share in the fun and the feeling.

This morning we (this word keeps popping up and it's a different "we" every
time. Forgive me if I don't always say who - it takes so much space. The idea is
that so far at least we seem to move about in small groups, rather than singly.
Sort of for security, I guess) - this time Mary Jeanette, Dale Cook and I - took a walk
through the vineyards which surround the Burg. We followed a muddy cart
path part way down and around the hill, in the brisk morning (10-11am) air,
enjoying the quiet, the view, the chill of the air, the earth, even the mud. It's
kind of a peacedul and refreshing feeling, and especially with you sharing it in
my heart.

Well, sweetheart, Ich muss jetzt zu Bett gehen. Wein makes one very sleepy
and it being now 10 pm. I'll have to hurry to get enough sleep before getting
up at 7:15 to eat breakfast. So good night, my dearest, and another letter
soon. Ich liebe dich sehr viel!

Alle meine liebe,

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