Untitled Page 6




Status: Complete

Dec. 10, 1931

Dear Folks:

I gues that a letter is inorder from me about this
time. It is only ten o'clock tonight and I have done all
the work that I'm going to do for today, so I'll just write
a letter. I'm sort of tired so this probably wont be very

I've been plenty busy this week. The hist. class had
to read Franklin's Autobiography as extra work, and I went
to get it last Sat. but all the coppies were sold in the
book store, the coppies in the lib. were in use and those
in the Paly Lib. were out. Well, to make a long story
short I was finally able to get the one coppy from the
reserve bookroom, last night and the night before last.
You cant get this till 10 so I have been reading till
twelve and 1;30 on these last two nights to get through it.
I did so Hist. is over (Except the final.) Comp is all done.
and By reading Psych all afternoon adn till now that is done.
I have a C average in that but am scared of the final, so
am taking in a seminar for $2. Econ. will be through
tomorrow when I get all my reading done.

Sis and Dixie Ryall are coming down with me in the
car a week from tomorrow. That and the fact that I ordered
some picutre for Xmas seem to be the news. Oh, it is raining
swell right now and has been all afternoon. My stationary
is just about to give out so I'm saving it incase of immergancy.
Thank Grannie for her clipping. And wish Dad happy birthday.

Thos Gould Jr.
R. D. 2 Box 10
Ventura, Calif.

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