Untitled Page 7




Status: Complete


Oct 12 1933

Dear little Richard-

So many things crowd my mind
I don't know where to begin or in what
order to proceed. First of all, this is
just my opinion, I wont even call it
advice - for you know you're both of age
& when it comes to making an engage
-ment public that's up to Louise + her
mother - we have nothing to do with it,
therefore we appreciate the consider

About making the engagement public
I've consulted Emily + would advise
you go to a public library & get "Etiquette"
& read Chpt XIX p 298. First of all (p 89)
she says "some one some where asked whether
or not to answer an engraved card announc-
ing an engagement. The answer can have
nothing to do with etiquette, since an engraved
announcement is unknown in good society."
"The announcement should be made by the
parents of the bride elect. This is done intimately
by note & publicly thru the newspapers +
verbally to friends individually or collectively."
"A dinner or other entertainment given to
announce an engagement is by no means

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