Untitled Page 9




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you'll have time enough for that as it is I'm afraid, because after all its the wedding folks are really interested in the effect of a long engagement on your friends, as Emily says is "like waiting at the station for a train."

By the time Senior Breakfast arrives there may be many changes.

I hesitate to mention this but we can except Grandpa from the situation. A man's duty, as he sees it, is to provide his family with the material things of life. The education he's giving you is to [?] to be a provider, first of all, & if he knew you had become "entangled" before being equipped I wont even guess as to the [?] as far as he's concerned. His generosity with us has been most unusual (compare with other family men, Mr. Foster, [?] but he's super sensitive, very set & difficult in understanding (yes, & in being understood) & might take this affair at any [angle?] If you can only wait until you're graduated I feel the situation wouldn't be so difficult, for further on education is businss, you're within sight of the goal it's a man's work!

In this, we can't deny, it would be very hard

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