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Avalon, 8th month 1st, 1872

The meeting of the Assocation due here last week was deferred
until to-day, on account of the absence from the neighborhood of so many
members. Even now, tho' the travellers had returned, six of our number
were missing - but there were numerous guests, making a large company.

About the usual time the minutes were read, and afterward the first called
was. R. E. Gilpin, who read a good poem entitled "Advancing Age."

2. M. Farquhar, part of a curious article in the "Living Age" called "Clever
Fishes" showing a parallel between the weapons and manner of hunting
their prey of various fishes, and of man.

3. H. J. Moore asked if any of us had tried making cucumber pickles with cold
vinegar? Answered, no - but several had heard of its being done.

4. B. I. Lea read about the "Customs in Paris" regarding young ladies very different
from ours, and less independent.

5. M. L. Roberts. Letters from Rebecca Turner about the Indians, and their country
in Nebraska - very interesting.

6. E. G. Thomas, "How reduced by dress," an article showing the tyranny and
cruelty of Fashion, if one feels bound to yield to her requirements.

7. J. Scofield, "The Gardener and the Manor", one of Hans Christian Anderson's
short moral stories.

8. E. D. Bentley. A poem on "The Good of Evil."

There was time left for an inspection of the flower garden before
supper, and we were detained more than half an hour afterward by a heavy
and most acceptable rain-storm.

Adjourned to Walnut Hill next month.

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