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Status: Complete

H/10/1890 -3. 263
4 When dig salsify a portion before the
ground freezes and dig the rest as
wanted during open spells.

5 When mulch a strawberry bed? Before
the ground freezes, and remove early
in the spring from immediately over
the plants. Ellen Farquhar described
the Banksia a rose as it grows in
Europe to the tops of the houses
A member mentioned a cherry tree in
bloom Sept 30th. Another had seen
chestnut apple and pear trees with
blossoms on them.

We had a pleasant walk in the
garden where we remarked the long clean
rows of winter vegetables. Strawberry beds
and rows of raspberries; in the flower garden
were many brillant flowers: A large
circular bed of nasturtiums was a great attraction.
The fine condtion of the gardens
and the plants on the porches and the
many beautiful flowers which have come
to our meetings, all, tell of the watchful
care of Robert Miller during the long absence
of the rest of the family, who spent the
summer in Europe.

Some of the company climbed the tower
for a view from the top. Some who went up bravely
came down in a most cautious manner and
others declined, emphatically, to make the ascent.

After our ususal enjoyment of the Society
we adjourned, hoping all to meet in April

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