Page 71




Status: Complete


Mary Stabler read an article on bulb culture.
Pattie R. Stabler read a letter from
Emma Stabler to her family which was
very interesting. Mary E. Gilpin and
Henry Miller were appointed readers
for next meeting which we are invited
to hold at Alloway. John C.
Bentley gave us some account of
the Horticultural exhibits at the World
Fair. He referred to the Japanese dwarfs
as of special interest. He took charge
of the meeting during the questions
which were -

1. How late will it do to sow kale?
Sept 1st.

2. How sow spinach seed? This is a good
time and it does better in rows than
broadcast. In the winter protect with straw.

3. If it should rain this week, would it be
worth while to plant out cabbage plants?
There would be very little chance of
a crop.

4. Is it too late to sow turnips seed?
Good crops have been grown from
Sept. sowings but the chances are against

5. Is it too late to set out celery? Yes.

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