Page 93




Status: Complete

[ ]
How late will it do to sow cabbage seeds for
late cabbage? Not later than June 15th
7 How many Lima beans to a hill? Answers
varied from two to four. Lima beans failed
to come rife at Longwood; some members come
plain of a blight attacking snap beans
[ ] unknown. Bush Lima beans came [ ]
badly at the Cedars
8 Why should a cherry tree ripen irregu-
larly? Perhaps. a budded or grafted.
9 Is there any other name for the Kentish
Common cherry? Sometimes it is called
pie-cherry Robert Miller. find out about
it and repeat.
Is it recommended to kill rose bugs
using cold water with a little Kerosine.
instead of using hot water, which so
soon cools.
An a member tried knitting sool-on
a cabbage bed just before the plants came
up, as recommended in one of the garden-
ing papers, and had no black head.
Planting [ ] with cucumbers was
tried and there were very few striped

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