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Status: Complete

H/8/1894 05.

9 How make a Lanristinas bloom? No
satisfactory answer; one member had
one for 25 years and it never bloomed

10 How did our hostess's orchard, planted
without water do?? Remarkably well
she lost but 2 trees and 2 or 3 currant

Mary T. Kirk's report of the effect
of pouring Kerosene on the stems of
plum trees was very satisfactory.
She had plums on trees that had
always failed previously. Apply
while they are in bloom
In the garden the strawberry beds
looked well; vegetables had been planted in
a field some distance from the house, while this
garden was being prepared for the crimson
clover which our hostess hopes will be a success.
The sweet peas were in bloom, and had
been all summer. They were planted in a trench
and gradually hilled up: a new rose garden
had been planted and the little plants
from A. B, Davis were growing blooming.

Meet next at Riverside

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