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Status: Complete

H/4/1895 -4-

Rose bushes or shrubs which are to be
moved should receive immediate attention.

Reminded of the importance of bring
specimens and we are recommended
to bring a short article
to read or some information to impart
when we have no question.

The President asked for suggestions
for the imporvement of the Society.
Charles A. Iddings proposed that
when any member discovered that
no one from his or her family could
attend a meeting, said member should
notify the hostess of the next meeting
so that she might, if she chose
fill the empty places with guests

Mary Magruder proposed that we
should record the time of first using
of vegetables and volunteered
to furnish each member with a
list to be filled out with dates
thus taking upon herself nearly
all the trouble for the sake of
making the meetings more interesting

1 Is it well to trim a lemon tree that

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