Page 158




Status: Complete

H/7/1896 -1

Longwood noon 82°
July 7th 1896

A rain delayed the arrival of
the members, and the secretary and
perhaps others who had started did
not reach the meeting.

The Questions
1 Why do any raise black raspberries? They
are earlier than the red and some like
the flavor better.

2 Were the raspberries winter killed? At some place

3 How do you pronounce Tomato?
Variously: a like a in far is favored

4 Capes in chickens? Air slacked lime prevents
if scattered around where they are
It should be done every day after the
chickens are turned out

5 Why do roses drop their leaves? Probably
a disease which would be benefitted
by Bordeaux mixture

6 Would you fill the vacancies in a strawberry
bed, in August? Yes

7 When plant Kale? 1st of September

8 Who has blight on tomatoes? Very few

9 What is the latest planting of corn which
will succeed? First of August

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