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Status: Complete

H/4/1897 -4-

at which we stop, a full stop.
It was then decided to vote on
the new applicants. They were elected
and expresseed themselves much gratified.
We are now 19 families, one
honorary member and 1 vacancy

The next item of new business is
the proposition for a Hoticultural
exhibition the coming autumn. A
committee was appointed to consider
the plan. Mrs. Davis, A. G. Thomas with
Mrs. Janney as chairman

1 Is there any chance for a Norway fir
to make a new top, after having the
top broken out? Some encouragement
was given; two instances were given
where a top was formed

2 What potato best for late planting?
White Sear and Great Divide were mentioned

3 What effect had nitrate of soda on other
plants besides cabbage? onions, corn
celery and cucumbers were benefitted
For pot plants a tablespoonful to a
gallon of water is a good solution
and was thought especially good
for pansies

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