Page 193




Status: Complete

H/7/1897 -4.

Rockland, Egg-plant, tomatoes, corn
snap-bean peas and flowers.

Fair Hill, cabbage, tomatoes, cymblings,
apples and flowers.

Cloverley, corn tomatoes salsify egg-plant
and celery

Brooke Grove, cymblings, corn, Lima
beans, cucumbers, cabbag and celery

Alloway, corn, tomatoes Lima beans
egg-plant onions and potatoes

Rock Spring, cucumbers, cabbage,
tomatoes, apples and four varieties plums

After the proceedings, the beauties of
the picturesque garden and lawn were
enjoyed. In the former "the stately
holly hock" reigned supreme, in many
colors, some of which were new to most
present. Owing to the heat to the
evening, the fountain appeared
even more attractive than usual
and there was always a group
about it during the time devoted
to our walk
Mary Margruder

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