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H/4/1898 -5-

ful of nitrate and as much bone dust
as you can afford.

6 How shall grape vines be fertilized?
Use bones, feathers and dead animals

7 What is the difference between nitrate
of soda and salt-petre? The latter
is nitrate of potash

8 Have the peach fruit buds been killed?
It is believed they have.

9 Should the cuttings of a privet hedge
be planted where they are to grow?
It is better to root them in a bed

10 What varieties of strawberries should
be planted for family use? Michel's
Early, Princess, Jessie, Tennessee prolific
and Gandy.

11 What cantelupe should be used?
Tip-Top and Early Hackensack

12 What grape shall be used?
Moored early and Worden

13 Will frosted potatoes come up sooner than
others planted now? It is believed they will

14 How is bran fed to chickens? Make a meal
half cornmel and half bran. Use a little
oat meal at first.

15 Is is indisputable that a heavy soil
is best for roses? In our climate it is.

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