Page 213




Status: Complete

H/5/1898 -4-
cut off? Not until fall; then those
with seed should be burned. The
same should be done the second
year. Cultivating it all summer is
also recommeded.

6 What should be done with a pyrus Japanica
which has bloomed very little
for ten or twelve years. It would be
better to dig it up and get another.

7 What is the best best kind of sage to
use? The ordinary garden sage is in
general use. So far the Holts Sage
has not shown itself on improvement.

8 How can the hollies which will bear
berries be told from those which will
not? It has been said that the leaves
of those which bear berries turn up
at the edges

9 Was the cheese cloth covering for melons
satisfactory? Yes, all who used it
recommend it.

10 What shall be done with a peony which
does not bloom? Take it up and divide it some

11 How shall climbing nasturtunes be made
to trail? No difficulty has experienced.

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