Page 221




Status: Complete

H/7/1898 -2-

would be a good place.

3 Mr Davis asked whether a dozen trees would
be too many to cut out of their lawn?
The opinion seemed to be that two or three
at a time would be better.

4 When a person is starting a garden and
expects wonders and everything fails
how is one to keep from being discouraged?
She is advised consider the condition
of the old gardens.

5 What should be done with the holes made
in the fall for trees to be planted in the
Spring? They need no special attention.

6 Does it pay to raise garden black-berries
on a small place? Yes. It was reccommended
to plant them in a row
which could be cultivated and to plant
posts at each side of both ends of the
row and connect them with wire

7 What should be done with a bed of sage
planted this spring? Keep it cultivated
and cut in September.

8 How can one have lettuce in the summer?
Plant frequently in a shady place.

9 Is it better to plant sage every year
than to have a permanent bed? Yes,
it should be planted with earliest vege-

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