Page 237




Status: Complete

Specimens, were
Knollton, radishes and flowers
Cedar Lawn flowers and salsify
Avalon, flowers, tomato plant & rose in bloom
Hermon, [?] carrots, turnips and parsnips.
Brooke Grove Flowers and lettuce head.
Rockland lettuce.
Norwood pussy willows
Tanglewood, lettuce and flowers

The report of the Committee
to recommend improvements to the Society
was read, and resulted in
the adoption of the following changes:
Reading the By-laws at the first
meeting of each year was added to
the order of business, and the hour
of meeting in October was made
3 o'clock with supper hour at 4.45
and that before each meeting, every
family is to be expected to report the
number who expect to attend the meeting,
and it was also suggested that
the interest of the meeting would be
be increased by the members taking more
trouble in answering and asking
questions and by the host or hostess

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