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Status: Complete

H/9/1899 -4-

5 What enemy is that is attacking begonias and perforating
Probably caterpiller

6 Some celery that was doing well died off at the
tops after being tied up and hilled
It is large enough but would it be better to hill
again to prevent blight?
Wait awhile and meantime spray with
Bordeau mixture

7 What is the best plan to save Canna roots large
ones over the winter?
Take up in clumps and keep in a warm cellar
or else put in a box of earth and save sand.

8 Is this the right time to pot geraniums
Small compact plant to bloom about the holidays
Earlier would have been better - Now will do

9 Has anyone lost egg plant through the ravages of
the potato bug?
They have been injured in many places.

10 Are Cantelope vines dying earlier than usual?
Yes blight is troublesome Spraying did some
good at the experiment station

11 Do people generally raise winter onions from sets or seeds?
Sets generally but seed make better onions.

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