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Status: Complete

H/7/1900 -1

Cedar Lawn 60o morn
July 3rd 1900 85° to 89° noon

The minutes were read and approved.
Of the reads appointed for this
meeting RoberT Miller was absent. Ellen
Farquhar apoligised for having nothing
for us. Her selection had been mislaid
Both readers were reapppointed for next
meeting. Volunteer reading by Dr. Kirk, the
Culture of Chestnuts, the results hoped for
to have them as large as the Spanish and
Station and as sweet as the American
John Bentley's Paragon chestnuts bore at
two years old. 2nd Volunteer "The principal
value of a private garden" by Charles
Dudley Warner.

Forethought, excellent, set out
cabbage and celery, sow turnip seed;
in the flower garden sow seeds of
perennials put down cuttings of Roses
Geraniums ect and continue weeding

Fair Hill, ripe tomatoes, potatoes cucumbers.
cymbling and beets.

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