Page 311




Status: Complete

H/4/1901 -4-

1 When and how plant cow peas?
The last ten days in May, sow
Broadcast and cut when in pod

2 Who has been successful in eradicating
chickweed? Several got rid
of it by hoeing the ground frequently
and not allowing it to ripen seed

3 Would sowing salt kill it? Though not

4 What kind of Quinces are best and
would they be likely to bear in a
reasonable time? The Orange is good
and will bear in four or five years.
It is said they bear well planted
on the side of a stream of water

5 What do with an apple tree 25 years
old and much of it dead? Cut
it down or trim it? Opinion divided

6 What is the best black berry and
what time should it be planted?
Rathburn the best. Plant early

7 How treat rose bushes which did not
bloom well last year? Cut back half
the growth, except running or climbing
varieties which should have only
the dead wood taken off

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