Page 318




Status: Complete

H/5/1901 -4-

6 Has the pea louse appeared yet? Yes. Spraying
with cold water is good Mr. Robinson
of the Experiment Station says use tobacco
dust from the time they come until they bloom

7 When move currant bushes, very early, before
the leaves put out. Too late now. The fruit has

8 Is there any satisfactory frame for tomatoes
Some use frames, others prefer a straw
mulch. Wire on stakes, seems good for
early fruiting - Theory is that hanging
over the wire arrests the flow of sap
and hastens ripening

9 How get rid of red squirrel which eat
the rose bushes? Best shoot them

10 Treat a house fern now? Sink the pot
in the ground the garden. They like

11 Is it better for raspberry rows to run
East and West? Not considered necessary.
Turner is more hardy than Cuthbert
both are good and Miller is good
and later than the others.

12 What can be done the borer attacks
a currant bush? Cut out the shoots
and burn? Will White-wash kill it?
no. It is said to be easily found by

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