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Status: Complete

H/7/1901 -1-

July 2nd 1901 98°

The intense heat that had prevaled
for over a week, together with the
busy season and sickness in some families
prevented the majority of members from attending
the Horicultural meeting at Edgewood
on July second and only the
Avalon, Alloway Brooke Grove and Cloverley
families were represented. The average noon
temperature for that day was 98° but early
in the afternoon a delightful breeze
sprang up and so cooled the air that by
tea time we were glad to leave the lawn
for the warmer shelter of the house.

The vice-President called the meeting
to order and as the Secretary had not
been able to even send her book, we
had no minutes of the last meeting,
So Alice T. Stabler the only reader
present 1st an account of a Christmas
Rose so called from its blooming at
that season of the year and acting
upon the suggestion that some one send

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