Page 351




Status: Complete


Strawberry bed for next year

15 Will it injure trees to paint or wash
the trunks with gas-house lime or
gas-Tar? It will not.

16 How often plant sweet corn to have
it all the season? Every 10th day or
once in two weeks.

17 How plant celery? Run a furrow and
so the seeds in the bottom of the trench
When the plants are large enough
thin out and use what you pull
out for planting another row. and
water the transplanted ones. Roger
Farquhar has had an abundance all
winter and it was not watered
except by the rains.

A guest brought a sturdy little
rosebush which grew from a tip
like strawberries. The clusters of roses
on one of hers were much larger than
than those on the parent bush.

This has been called a severe
winter, but the Mercury was not
so low as we often have it and
rose bushes came thro' well and raspberry
bushes were not injured.

We are advised when setting

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