Page 391




Status: Complete


on [souline?] and tacked on the
trees. The motion was passed and
a committee appointed to attend
to the printing. Committee Dr. Kirk,
Mary Magrunder and Charles H. Brooke.

Forethought -- Suggested that
some one be appointed to collect
items on poultry and report at each
meeting. This met with approval
and Janet Miller appointed to the

Interesting report from meterologist
our coldest weather was in February.

Alloway 120 chickens
Avalon 58 ''
Brooke Grove 400 ''
Edgewood 80 ''
Falling Green 119 ''
Hermon 10 ''
Norwood 80 ''
Riverton 22 ''
Rockland 145 ''
Rock Spring 244 ''
Tanglewood 34 ''
Woodburn 320 ''

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