Page 393




Status: Complete


lettuce, asparagus, turnips and
wintered over cabbage plants

Rockland, flowers, cabbage, asparagus,
carrots, potatoes,
parsnips, turnips, and mushrooms

Committee to consider marking
the best exhibit "Premium" decided
to try it for two months

New business, Anna Nesbitt sent
in the resignation of Sweet Brier
which name shall be taken from
the list of places of members, but the
Society wishes her to continue as member
from Tanglewood.

As an improvement in our work
the Secretary proposed that we
adopt the plan of Mr. Harry Davis
who handed in a list of his exhibits.
If each member will follow
his example, it will aid the
assistant secretary, greatly, it is
sometimes a puzzle to find the owners
of enhibits. The President does
not consider it necessary to take a
vote as he thinks each member will
see the propricty of it and attend to it

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