Page 402




Status: Complete


her currant bushes, also strawberry plants
to find the cause for diseased appearance?
Members pronounced the currants
all right, strawberries past bit-

7 How make a garden in a clay bank
Manure, sow crimson clover, turn it
under, add more manure, wood's
earth and sand.

8 When and how apply nitrate of
soda to a strawberry bed? When
the plants are dry give a teaspoon
full to each plant.

9 Grass seed sown a month ago a hard
rain came soon after and no grass
has appeared. What should be done?
Scratch the ground with a rake and
sow more seed and mulch with fine straw

10 How treat a willow tree which has
many small dead limbs? Cut out all
the dead wood.

11 Should rhubarb roots be divided?
Yes, after two or three years, the center
stalk decays. It will grow better
if divided

How treat a Calla now? Turn the
pot on the side and let the plant

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