Page 412




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but it is difficult to divide with success
Better take shoots.

8 How raise and keep Hubbard squash?
Plant are very rich ground not earlier
than the second week week in June.

9 Some potatoes that were sprouted before
planting and also some that were not,
came up well and promised favorably
but have since died out what
is the trouble? No one could answer.

10 What is the origin of the name Strawberry
Some authorities say it comes
from the straw used in mulching
the plants. others that it comes from
the lomg straw like stem , and some,
because in old days the custom was
to string the berries on a straw like beads.

The walk in the garden was full
of interest and of pleasure and was
extended to the poultry house and
grounds generally. Alloway has added
new charms to its old attractions
among them the garden laid out in
the colonial box-bordered style. Vegetables
and flowers were far more advanced
than seemed possible in such a
backward season. The shy la France

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