Page 420




Status: Complete


promised to write down a remedy
that had been found good.
12 What are the best varieties of Celery
to plant? Early white Plume. Late
Grant Pascal and Golden self blanching.
13 Is it always better to cut the top off
of celery when transplanting? Yes and
by taking up a sod at a time small
plants are less likely to be bruised.
14 How many plantings of sweet corn
do most people make? From five
to eight; some every two weeks.
15 At a former meeting a stone pile
around a peach tree was thought to
prevent borers. Would it be well in a
young apple orchard to make a box
around each tree and fill it with stone.
It was feared that such confinement
might prevent the proper expansion
of the roots.

A guest read some extracts from a
letter wrilten in the Philippines which
gave a graphic account of the vegetation
and flora of that country and
which mentioned many familar plants.
Flowers are everywhere and on the
high monuntains vegetation grows in

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