Page 422




Status: Complete

Fair Hill
August 4th 1903

After watching the clouds all day and
in a down pour of rain that in any
other community would have meant
either no meeting or a very small one
the members of the Horticultural gathered
at Fair Hill and the attendance
was good. The President called to
order the minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved and
the readers appointed for the day were
called upon!
Mary Magruder responded with an
article by John Habberton, entitiled "My
Impossible Rose Bed" which told of his
success in making a permanent bed of
tender roses and gave some plain
practical information for those who
wish to do the same. He summarised
his mod of culture as follows.
"In brief, a permanent bed of tender roses
may be secured by deep and careful
planting in rich deep soil, by prompt
slaughter of insect pests, frequent stirring
of the top soil, pruning after each

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