Page 427




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plants 4 feet apart in the row
Have asters bloomed well this year?
No, not generally.
A remedy for rose mildew asked for? A few use Bordeaux misture, but some of sulphur or aerslakde dlime preferred by most.
Does it pay to transplant old asparagus roots? A few have done it with success, but the practice is is not enouraged. In a discussion upon this subject, it was advised to set out asparagus beds more frequently than has been customary. How far apart should celery plants be placed in rows 4 feet apart? About six inches, but where there is a single row, 4 inces is space enough to allow.
Albion G. Thomas had no question but asked the influence of each one to induce merchants to keep only safety matches.
Lima beans make too luxuriant a growth: is it well to cut them back? Yes, cut lower branches.
Why do the blooms on egg-plants

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