Page 439




Status: Needs Review

H/10/1903 -4-
so successfully wrote the history of
the first 25 years, kindly consented
to oblige us in the same way, which
she did in a most satisfactory manner.
The Society takes this opportunity to thank
her for the work.

The committee for the selection of
of seeds and to consider means of improving
the Society, was continued. Committee
Eliza Brooke, Ellen Farquhar, Mrs.
Davis and Carrie Brooke, R.B. Farquhar

A committee was appointed to meet
at the Lyceum, the committees from the
clubs, and exhibit the grains and fruits
of the neighborhood and select such
as were considered fit to be sent to
St. Louis for the Maryland Exhibit.
Committee Dr. Kirk, A.G. Thomas,
Robert Miller, Carrie Brooke, Ellen Farquhar
and Mary Magruder.


1. Will it do to put early potatoes now
in boxes in cellar? Yes, in dry sand
in a cool cellar.

2. Will it be a good plan to spade up
a bulb bed now, October, enrich and

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