Page 440




Status: Needs Review

H/10/1903 -5-
replant the bulbs? It will.

3. Will it be well to plow grape vines and
make the ground rich? Yes. Get the grass
out and fertilize with ashes and bone dust.

4. How get parsley for winter? Sow in the
spring, keep clean. In the fall take up
some of the plants and put in a cold
frame and some in a box to be kept
in the house.

5. How get rid of aphis on plants? Spray
with tobacco water.

6. How destroy white worms in flower pots?
Water thoroughly with lime water.

7. Will it do to put grape vines between
apple trees about 12 feet from each tree?
Better not.

8. Is it best to divide rhubarb plants this
fall or in the spring? This fall.

9. How get rid of scale on house plants?
Go over them with a paint-brush, with
soap suds, in which put a little kerosene.

10. When trim a Hemlock hedge? In the spring.

11. A crimson Rambler has something like
mealy bug? If the bug spray - if mildew
dust with sulphur.

Wanted a good nursery man?
Harrison recommended.

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