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H/4/1904 -1-
April 5th 1904

The Horticultural Society met at Tanglewood,
where the wood is no longer
a tangle. Our President in his opening remarks
congratulated us, that with all
the sickness in our country, our circle
is unbroken tho' several families had
lost near and dear relatives.

The rules and resolutions were read.
This being the year for elections of officers
to serve two years, the elections took place
and resulted in the re-election of R.B. Farquhar,
President - John C. Bentley vice-president,
E.S. Iddings secretary, the assistant
secretary to be appointed by the
hostess of each meeting. The President
warns us that owing to other public
duties he may have to be absent from
several meetings when our vice president
will conduct the meetings. The Secretary
gave the date of ther first year of
service, showing that she is in her
35th year of secretaryship, and kindly
pointed out the mistake they were
making, but, having got into a rut, it

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