Page 445




Status: Needs Review

H/4/1904 -4-
Avalon, flowers.
Cedar Lawn, flowers.

New business

The secretary will soon need a
new book for minutes. A.G. Thomas
kindly offered to purchase it. It was
proposed to furnish the Secretary with
100 postal cards to use as required
for the Society. Favorably received.

A proposition was made to try, for
one summer, having the members
meet at 12 on lunch at 1 o'clock and
the business after lunch. There was
much discussion for and against.
The majority opposed the experiment.

The importance of each exhibitor
bringing a list of specimens was
brought up and all requested to attend
to it. The assistant secretary will collect the
lists and read them at the proper time.
She is often afraid she has overlooked
some specimen or specimens and made
an imperfect report.


1. Why does lettuce damp off in cold
frames? Too little air or too
much water, probably.

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